Attn: Real Estate Agents Looking To Join me to learn how to ADD 100K in the next 12 months

Join Me to Join me to learn how to ADD 100K in the next 12 months…In Just 5 Days!

The 5-Day Next Gen Agent Lead Academy Challenge is here!

Join my Free 5-Day Next Gen Agent Lead Academy Challenge & Join me to learn how to ADD 100K in the next 12 months!

Discover The EXACT Strategies I've Used To Market and Grow my Own Real Estate Business and the Real Estate Agents that have joined the Next Gen Agents Lead Academy. Let me guess, you're...

  • Feeling overwhelmed with all there is to know and do as a real estate agent?

  • Worried you'll spend all your time trying to figure out a new real estate lead generation strategy and it won't work for you?

  • ​ Not sure how to convert online real estate leads?

  • ​ Confused about what equipment you'll need to create real estate video content

  • ​ Unsure how to setup a ad that actually converts

  • ​ Concerned you'll waste your money & time once again?



Day 1: Understanding Your Audience

On the first day, we'll discover who you should actually be targeting based on your data, as well as creating the right avatars and buyer and seller personas up front. We'll then develop the key aspects and content types that may resonate most with them, and lead them to your product or service.


Day 2: Video Marketing For Real Estate Agents that converts

Without a content strategy and system, it won't succeed. You need several critical pieces in place before you ever create a single piece of content. Do you have them? Probably not. On day 1, we cover the crucial content planning steps that 98% of people get wrong, and what you need to do to put together a content plan that will consistently & predictably produce results in the form of clients! THIS IS EXCITING STUFF!


Day 3: Get Buyers and Sellers reaching out to you.

Creating content that converts doesn't have to take you all month to do. We are busy as real estate agents and need to have a system in place to make it so you can produce a month's worth of content in a day and you won't be able to do that without a plan.



Creating content is the first step and is the foundation of your client acquisition system that we are going to put in place. It is so important for you to get this in place but next if you want to put your system on steroids we have to ad paid ads to the equations.


Day 5: Turn leads into Closed Transactions

In the final, and most important day, you'll learn how to analyze the content you've created to see which pieces produced the best results, allowing you to improve and optimize over time. Most importantly, we'll discuss the steps you'll need to have in place in order to turn your content into leads and sales.




I'm John Kinnunen, a Award Winning Real Estate Agent and Marketer, and I want to help.

I help real estate agents generate and convert leads and scale your business by helping them put together your own client acquisition system that will predictably bring in closed sales.

But, what I've realized is that most real estate agents have no idea how to generate and convert online leads.

If you don't have an ad strategy that will fuel your business goals, a plan in place to guide the individual steps you'll take, you'll never be able to efficiently and effectively create ads that bring in predictable, sensational results from your online marketing.  In this free 5-Day Challenge, I'll show you how to do all of these things in the easiest way possible.

Go ahead, Join my Free 5-Day Next Gen Agent Lead Academy

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